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Let's get some work done

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time-management strategy that helps you work more efficiently by breaking down your work into focused 25-minute sessions, each followed by short breaks. These consecutive work sessions are then capped off with a longer break to help rejuvenate your energy levels. It's designed to help you work with better focus, avoid distractions, and maintain a sustainable pace throughout the day.

Whether you're studying for an exam, working on a big project, or simply trying to get more done during your day, the Pomodoro technique is a proven method for staying on track and achieving your goals.

About the project

PomoJS is a simple pomodoro timer written in vanilla JavaScript. It is designed to be as minimal as possible, while still being functional. It's also designed to be as lightweight as possible, so it can be used on any device.

PomoJS is open source, and can be found on GitHub.

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